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(Personal Certifications portal and mobile self-service)
What :
Competency Management system keeping track of the individual’s certifications, validity, expiration dates and so on. Generates Reminders/Notification to the User to his email and to mobile application.
Consists of a web portal with various day to day administration functionalities and various job functions.
Integrates with various systems such as DaWinci, SAP, Job/Work Package etc.
How :
Administration Portal
Job Package Manager Portal Interface:
User Interfaces :
Interfaces/Integrates with
Create Users/import users from HR system (name, email, contact number), Certificates WBS, Certificates lifecycle (duration, short description, minimum time to book in advance), interfaces to other systems (HR) and Work Package System, and flight booking, verify uploaded certificates.
Possible to create overview of multiple users and their skills/certificates from an admin point of a view based on job package requirement.
Web Portal for the Users to upload certificates and to receive reminders, course bookings, calendars etc.
Mobile app for the User to upload certificates and to receive reminders, course bookings, calendars etc.
FlightBooking (DaWinci), HR System (SAP HR and others), Job Package System/Maintenance System
Sends email reminders that certificates are about to expire to the user.
Sends email reminders that certificates are about to expire to the job package manager.
Sends notifications reminders that certificates are about to expire to the user on the email app.
Websites portals and applications must be able to be “branded” to companies.
The solution should be cloud-based and delivered as SAAS.
The solution will not contain training material.
Potentially must be GDPR compliant.

What :
Safety training scenarios with some gamification elements in VR for a Brown Field Asset
How :
Laser Scan offshore Assets/Photogrammetry à Cloud Point Model
Import 3D model into SW that can generate VR 3D Model, add textures, interaction items, navigation coordinates
Create various safety training scenarios with some gamification elements
Convert into APK for VR Oculus Quest 2 or so

What :
Create various safety training scenarios with some gamification elements in VR on new Green Field Asset
Could be safety training
Could be start up of asset
How :
Get 3D Model from Client
Import 3D model into SW that can generate VR 3D Model, add textures, interaction items, navigation coordinates
Create various safety training scenarios with some gamification elements
Create Start Up Scenarios
Convert into APK for VR Oculus Quest 2 or so

What :
A Digital Twin of a brown field asset with a 3D model
How :
Viewed from
Create a visualization platform like SDx or AvevaNet (or Kongsberg or Cognite) / or import into Clients visualization platform
Where you can
Search tags
Find P&ID
Navigate the Asset on the laser scanned model
See tags, click a tag, open live data, see work packages, see notifications, see P&ID, highlight all tags on a P&ID, see warehouse inventory, create a notification, see red line markup, create a redline markup,
Consists of
Laser Scan Repository (E3D Aveva or Hexagon PPM Smart3d
Viewing Software (SDx/AvevaNet/Kongsberg/Cognite)
Need Laser Scan Camera https://shop.leica-geosystems.com/buy/blk360/blk360 (18.900 USD)
Needs Laser Scan Software
Need various Plug-In / API’s
Laser Scan offshore Assets/Photogrammetry à Cloud Point Model
Manually Tag in cloud point model or Smart Tag (using AI) in cloud point Model as per P&ID
Integrate with PI for live Data on equipment.
Integrate with 1D Repository (EDW/SAP)
Integrate with 2D Repository typically an EDMS or so
Integrate with Notification solution (if not digitized, that can be added as separate package)
Integrate with SAP/Asset Management/ Maintenance Packages to see pending/planned work packages.
Ensure things are according to the Operators MDM

Offshore/Onshore Plant:
What :
Develop Mobile(Tablet) applications catering to the Oil & Gas worker
Use Cases:
Inspection rounds
Readings (some places they don’t have instruments)
Work Order Execution
Shift Handover
Work Permit
Digitized Procedures
How :
Use a Platform like XALT or Augmensys that is catering for this sector to quickly build and deploy in an agile fashion to get it tested by the users
Depending on the customer and their current software this could be a driver/PoC for digitalizing their systems and processes as a whole for these use cases above.
Integrate with SAP for Work Orders or other Job Package systems
Integrate with the various systems of records for the required data
Integrate with the Permit to work system
Create an App for each use case, consider to have an app where more use cases/processes can be accessed
Create an a Web interface for Access for the OIM, Team Leads, Administrators, etc.
Must be able to be branded with Operator logo
Must be able to be published/hosted on Operators “App Platform”
Need to be Android as Apple don’t do ATEX tablets .
Xalt (Part of Hexagon)
Augmensys (Austrian company)

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